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Leadership For Life.

Like You Have Never Seen Before.
For You. Your Vision. Your Results.
Get Coached.

Leadership For Life.

Like You Have Never Seen Before.

For You. Your Vision. Your Results.


Get Coached.

“After each session I felt accomplished and ready to conquer!” ~S.V.

You want to change the way things are.

In your biz, team, boardroom, or family room.

Maybe all of It.

You are a professional, an entrepreneur, a businesswoman, or a team leader.  A once-in-history human being. You’ve got a goal, and you are ready for action.

I’m Michele, and I am your most powerful ally in shifting into gear and doing things that you never thought possible.

Whether you’re ready to go all in on your business or career aspirations or bring a new idea to life, I’m here with the solution to overcoming all the muck that’s been holding you back. To see what’s possible for yourself and take action toward it. To unlock more of yourself.

You keep thinking about who you want to be and what you want to create, contribute and achieve.

At the same time, you feel stuck. UGH. Your mind is racing with constant doubts, fears, “have-to”, “should”, can’t and a lot of “Who am I to…?” On the inside, you feel unsure of anything and stuck in an exhausting and unproductive loop.

No fun at all.

I See You. I Hear You. I Will Help You.

Coaching with me will get you out of that awful loop and will move you forward into ACTION.

Get Results That Matter To You

Here’s What’s REALLY Going On.

We are all extraordinary human beings. But most of us aren’t aware of our thinking. We’re blind to our own mindsets that keep us in the same cycles – and how that impacts how we think, feel, and act, every single day.

On top of that, the last several years have been TOUGH.  The pandemic, national and world events, and political discourse have dominated the news and social media non-stop. It’s all had a profound impact on everyone and everything.

We are all overloaded and overwhelmed.

To cope, we have developed habits of tuning out with endless distractions and have leaned into “self-care” but in a very narrowly defined way.

Here’s the real deal, though. Netflix bingeing and Instagram scrolling just keep us checked out. Whatever goals you have actually start from being checked in.

Your results start with your —  learning to lead yourself and to manage your own mind and energy.

New thinking, New Feelings. New Possibilities. New Action and New Results.

This is Professional Coaching.

The Demand for Professional Coaching is Off the Charts Right Now.

Here’s Why.

Professional coaching is in your corner asset that will amplify anything you want — HEALTH. RELATIONSHIPS. TIME. MONEY.

The path to all of your ambitions starts here.

My clients have:

Launched the business of their dreams

Brought a long-held passion project to fruition

Generated creative and profitable team ideas leading to increased revenue, more collaboration, and higher satisfaction

Reinvented their professional selves and uncovered their own Act Two (or Three or Four)

Cultivated a healthy team culture in their organization

After years of fits and starts pivoted to a new role after working together.

And so much more.

Saying yes to coaching with me is the smartest, most valuable, and most exhilarating decision you can make for yourself right now.

The benefits are unmatched.

“Michele listens deeply and asks empowering questions that cause me to…experience new insights that help me shift my thinking and create new choices. With Michele, I’ve been able to move beyond what had been holding me back.” ~E.C.


It’s my deep privilege to support and partner with you…the already incredible women of the world.

You can tune into yourself, find and listen to your own voice, clear away old belief systems, see new and exciting possibilities, and always KEEP GOING on the road to where YOU want to be.

Coaching with me will get you there, every time.

With me in your corner all the way, you are unstoppable.